Hello in Chinese — Chinese Greetings in Daily Life and in Written Letters
How to Say Hello in Chinese in Daily Life
Using Body Language to Say Hi in Chinese
How to Say Hello in Chinese in Writing Letters

How to Say Hello in Chinese in Daily Life?
Asking Obvious Questions
In China today, between acquaintances, the most typical way to say hello is to ask obvious or inferred questions about the thing one's doing.
To answer these questions, the other can answer "yes", ask the same question, or add something else if they want to continue the conversation.
Seeing someone in the supermarket, one can greet, "shopping?";
Seeing someone in the neighborhood, one can ask, "going to work/school?" or "coming home?" based on the specific time;
Seeing someone running, one can ask, "exercising?".
It's also ok to greet by asking:
Where are you going? — 去哪?
What are you doing? — 干嘛呢?
Have you eaten? — 吃了吗?

Chinese Bean Cakes and Tea, Picture from Lingchuan Meishisheying.
Using the Word "Good"
Another common way to say hi in Chinese is by using the letter "good" (好).
Title or Name + Good
Hello and Hi usually are translated as 你好, 你 means "you".
The title can be one's occupation, and it's more common to use one's family name + (occupational) title, such as:
经理 (manager) 好
叔叔 (uncle) 好
张 (family name Zhang) 老师 (teacher) 好
赵(family name Zhao) 总 (manager) 好
This is the most formal means to greet someone professionally.
The name can be one's full name (for acquaintances), given name (to show closeness), 老 + family name (to greet older people), or 小 + family name (to greet younger people).
It's also ok to leave out the word "good" and call one's title or name to greet.
This is less formal but shows a casual and close atmosphere.

Time + Good
This is simply the same way as in English, such as:
Good Morning — 早上好
Good Afternoon — 下午好
Good Evening — 晚上好
Traditional Phrases to Say Hello in Chinese
Besides modern greetings mentioned above, some phrases have been frequently used in history, some of which are still used by people nowadays.
久仰 — I heard a lot about you, usually saying to people who first met.
久仰大名 — I heard a lot about your good reputation, usually say to people that met for the first time.
幸会 — Lucky/nice to meet you.
许久不见 — Long time no see.
别来无恙 — I hope you have been well since the last time I saw you.

Using Body Language to Say Hi in Chinese
Nodding, smiling, and waving hands are also frequently used ways to say hi in China today, usually for people who are not very close or when someone is in a hurry.
In ancient China, the hierarchy was strictly followed, and people from different social statuses or genders usually didn't talk at will.
Therefore, the use of body language to greet had been quite often to show respect without bothering others (usually those from higher classes or the older generation) to answer verbally.
However, today those body languages, such as Kowtow, Bow, Fist, and Palm Salute, are generally replaced by nodding, smiling, and waving hands.
Bow or Yi Li of Man and Woman of the Same Age and Social Status, Picture from TV Show "Dream of the Red Chamber".
How to Say Hello in Chinese in Writing Letters?
When writing letters, more formal phrases have been used to greet instead of simply saying hello or hi.
Some Common Greetings to Start A Letter in Chinese
展信佳 — I hope this letter finds you well.
见信安 — I hope this letter finds you in good health.
见字如晤 — Seeing the handwriting in your letter is like meeting you in person.
见字如面 — Seeing the handwriting in your letter is like seeing your face.
展信开颜 — I hope you are happy opening this letter.

Some Common Greetings to End A Letter in Chinese
To greet people from the older generations
敬扣金安 — Respectfully kowtow and wish honorable you good health.
恭扣慈安 — Respectfully kowtow and wish virtuous you good health.
敬请福安 — Respectfully wish you happy and good health.
恭请福安 — I wish you happiness and good health with great respect.
敬请钧安 — Respectfully wish honorable you good health.
谨祝荣寿 — Respectfully wish you good health and longevity.

To greet people from the same generation
此颂近祺 — Wish you good luck.
即侯日祉 — Wish you are happy every day.
顺颂时祺 — Wish you luck and good health every day.
顺颂商祺 — Wish you good luck in your career or business.
纸短情长,伏惟珍重。— The paper is too short to carry my deep feelings; I sincerely hope you take good care of yourself.

Some Fun Ways to Say Hello in Chinese Culture Today
Today, in both daily lives and written letters, among very close friends, there are some funnier and more informal ways to say hello in Chinese.
Most interjections, such as 呀 (ya), 嘿 (hei), 哎 (ai), 喂 (wei), 哟 (you), 哈 (ha), or any other sounds, as long as it can attract the other's attention.

Nicknames and modern titles, such as:
帅哥 — Handsome guy;
美女 — Pretty, beautiful woman;
大哥 — Big brother, usually to call someone who's much older. or to show respect;
大姐 — Big sister, usually to call someone who's much older or to show respect;
小妞 — Girl, only used to call very close friends; otherwise sounds offensive.
小哥哥 — Little older brother, usually to call someone a little bit older but still very young and cute.
小姐姐 — Little older sister, usually to call someone a little bit older but still very young and cute.
小仙女 — Little fairy, usually to say a girl is lovely and cute.

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